Don’t forget to bring your old or outgrown items (which must be suitable for re-use) to school tomorrow for the Bag2School collection at 9am. You can use any bag (it doesn’t have to be a Bag2School bag!). The PTA receive money for the weight of the items, and this money is all spent on your children’s education.
Items accepted are :
Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s clothing, paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around), handbags, hats, bags, scarves and ties, jewellery, lingerie, socks, belts, soft toys, household linen, curtains, towels, bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers).
Please note they DO NOT accept:
Duvets and blankets, pillows and cushions, carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats), school uniforms with and without logo, corporate clothing and workwear or textile off cuts.
thank you for your support