I hope that you have had a very enjoyable summer and that your child has settled back into school life. I would like to extend a particularly warm welcome to those of you who are new to Sonning Common Primary. I hope that your son or daughter will do well and be very happy here. I am also delighted to welcome new members of staff to the school.
It has been great to see so many smart young pupils in school uniform, however please don’t forget to check to ensure that all of it is named.
Car Boot Sale – Sunday 24th September
The PTA will be hosting a car boot sale in the school junior playground between 1pm and 3pm on Sunday 24th September and there are still slots available if you would like to book a space! We invite you to bring your cars onto the car park and sell from there (tables will be made available so you just need your car and boxes of pre-loved items). We ask for a £10 payment and all your proceeds remain yours. If you would like to reserve a space, please email Wendy at wendy.perry@hotmail.co.uk as soon as possible.
Breakfast and After School Club
A reminder that if your child attends the Breakfast and/or After School Club please complete a booking form. If a booking form has been completed and a session needs to be cancelled or made, please contact Mrs Matthews.
Curriculum Sharing Evenings
We look forward to seeing many of you at the Curriculum Sharing Evenings next week.