Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Summer Fair Success

We are so happy to see that so many of you attended the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June and we hope you all enjoyed your time there. Thanks to your generosity the PTA were able to raise nearly £3000 for the school. It was a lovely sunny day and lots of fun was to be had whether it be winning one of the many games, having a jump in the bouncy castle, watching the children singing or having a go at one of the many sporty challenges available.  We had over 800 visitors to the fair. We would like to thank all those that helped organise the fair and for those parents and teachers that volunteered on the day. These events would not be possible without our wonderful volunteers.  We would also like to thank all the external stall holders from the community that took part as well as the local sponsors of the raffle prizes. It felt like such a wonderful community event for all and so thank you to everyone again for making it such a success.


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