Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Winter Mini Reading Challenge 2023

Oxfordshire Libraries announce the return of the Winter Mini Challenge!

The Reading Agency has once more teamed up with the Youth Sport Trust and public libraries, continuing with the Ready, Set, Read! theme from the Summer Reading Challenge. The Winter Mini Challenge is a free reading challenge, completely online, that tackles the holiday reading ‘dip’, encouraging children to keep up good habits or discover the joy of reading.

• Children will re-join the six characters from the Summer Reading Challenge, as they go on a winter walk to the library.
• They will unlock virtual rewards and a special certificate by rating and reviewing books.
• A target of 3 books is recommended for children, who set their own reading Challenge. Children can read any books, including eBooks or eAudio, which can be borrowed for free from Oxfordshire Libraries.
• The library will have a themed collection of eBooks to download from our Overdrive eBook Platform
• Parents and carers can join their children to the library by visiting Oxfordshire Libraries

The challenge starts this Friday 1st December 2023 and ends on 19th February 2024

Parents and carers can register their children for free at Winter mini challenge


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