Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Parenting resources

At SCPS, we want to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour better.

There are a number of free resources we recommend for parents and carers:

My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach can support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.   Lots of parents/carers come to us for help with their child’s anger. Often, they’re struggling to know how they can best support when they see explosive behaviours. Sometimes their child is hurting themselves, or other people.  Anger is not a bad emotion. We all naturally feel angry at times. We don’t want to teach children to suppress these powerful feelings. Instead, they can learn better ways to cope when they feel angry and recognise the signs of anger before they feel out of control.
Some tips for parents/carers include:

  • Responding in a calm way.
  • Giving space, or taking a child away from a difficult situation to calm down, if it’s safe to do so.
  • Speaking more slowly, using fewer words (which gives them verbal space to self-regulate).
  • Giving them enough time to feel back in control of their emotions – and as we know, it can take much longer than we might expect!

For more ideas about supporting children and teenagers when they feel angry, we would like to recommend a podcast episode with expert guest, Rachel Thynne, author of the book ‘Behaviour Barriers and Beyond’. Listen now.

There are also some free parent classes available through the ‘My Family Coach’ website, the links are below.

Future classes:


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