Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Ideas for learning (for strike days)

If you are stuck for ideas to occupy your children during the teacher strike tomorrow, Thursday 27th April,  Mr Hirst suggests:

  • Reading in a favourite place (den etc) or just any reading with your child
  • Maths
    • KS1 What is the most common shape inside your house. Square – rectangle – triangle – circle – other
    • KS2 TTRockStars
  • Literacy
    • KS1 write a card to a relative, including the envelope.
    • KS2 Spelling Shed.
  • PE, geography, art and emotional wellbeing
    • Go for a walk to the woods or park. Draw a map of your route detailing the number of footsteps, left and right turns.
    • Draw a picture looking out of a window where you live.
  • Design technology and literacy
    • Make a desert for pudding. Cooked or not cooked but following instructions. Ask an adult to help you with the task and ask them what they think of your efforts, appearance as well as taste.
  • PHSE – being helpful and being kind – both activities
    • Tidy your toys or bedroom.
    • Play a game – turn taking. This could be a card game, board game or a game outside.



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