Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

PTA Christmas Fair

Sonning Common Primary School invite you to join us at our Christmas Fair on Saturday 26th November from 12 till 3pm.

We’d love as many children as possible to enter the Hanging Christmas Tree Decoration competition, it’s free to enter just create a Chrsitmas tree decoration and bring it into school before the fair (or on the day).  They will be displayed at the fair and there are prizes to be won.

Just a quick reminder that we are holding a non-uniform Day on Friday 25th November to support the Christmas Fair.  Children are invited to wear their own clothes to school, but please remember that these need to be suitable for a normal day at school (no fancy dress).  To “pay” for wearing non-uniform, children are asked to bring to school (on Friday morning):

a bottle or jar for the adult tombola

a small wrapped present for the children’s tombola (eg a pocket money toy or game or book, suitable for both girls and boys aged 5-11).

Cakes (large or small) that can be sold at the fair (homemade or bought)

We also would like clean soft toys or games for the second hand toy stall, these can be brought into school anytime before the fair, please leave under cover of the bike shed.

In addition, we aim to produce 3 really good hamper prizes for the raffle (a foodie one, one for a man and one for a woman) and would appreciate any good quality items that could go in these hampers.

Attached is the poster, if you can, please print it out and display near home to encourage visitors on the day.

Xmas Fair Poster 2022


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