Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Safer Internet Day 2022

Today is Safer Internet Day 2022.

As part of our marking of this event, and in relation to recent events in school (and some reports from home), all KS2 classes were shown this year’s Safer Internet Day video today. Class discussions and questions followed.

This year’s theme is ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online.’

The theme and accompanying video focuses on groups of KS2 children and some of their experiences of playing online games. It highlights some of the problems they face, including being asked to do or say things they know are wrong, and highlights their correct responses.

Clearly gaming is not something that takes place at school, but we do experience some of its consequences at times – especially children who are over-tired (or over-stimulated) from having played for long periods, and occasionally children who have clearly been exposed to age-inappropriate games. Many games now have full online interaction with (often unknown) others, and children report that use of bad language and adult themes are commonplace.

We fully accept and endorse the educational and entertainment value of computer games, but please can we ask you to ensure that you know what games your child is playing, and with whom they are playing them.

Please find a link to the KS2 video, and a Guide for Parents here.


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