Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Deadline approaching for school applications

If you have a child born between September 2017 and August 2018 you need to apply for their school place (to start in September 2022) by Saturday 15 January 2022.

If you are considering SCPS as one of your choices (and we hope you are!) then we would love to meet you and to show you round our school. You are welcome to come and visit the school on our final Open Afternoon (after school) on Monday 10th January 2022, or you can take a Virtual Tour or contact Mrs Matthews in the Office (0118 9722105) if you would like to arrange a private tour with Mr Hirst during the school day.

Parents/carers should apply online at as this is the most secure way of applying. A copy of the paper form is attached: CAF (PRIMARY) 2022 in case you cannot apply online.

Starting School brochures are no longer being printed by OCC, but all the information contained in the brochure is available on the OCC admissions website (for parents who live in Oxfordshire):

Oxfordshire School Admissions

Parents who live in Reading should apply through Reading Borough Council:
Reading Schools Admissions

The 15th January closing date is extremely important, as late applications will not be considered until May 2022 after the first offers have been made. Parents who make a late application are less likely to be offered a place at one of their preferred schools.  The National Offer date (when you will be told which school your child has been allocated) is Tuesday 19 April 2022.


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