Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Christmas Fair Saturday 27th November

It’s the PTA Christmas Fair on Saturday 27th November from 12-3pm.

We want to reassure everyone that the PTA have thoroughly reviewed the situation from a COVID-19 risk perspective, given the numbers of cases and potential cases we have at school presently. Along with the Senior Leadership Team at school, we have decided to go ahead with the Fair which will be held mostly outside. The only indoor activity will be the cake stall and the kitchen which will be in the main hall but without any seating inside. We would like you to purchase drinks and a slice of pizza and take them outside to eat so you can be in the fresh air and where social distancing will be greater.

I’m sure we don’t need to remind you, but please can we ask you all to follow good COVID guidelines – do not come to the Fair if you have any symptoms or have been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive. There will be plenty of hand sanitiser available and we ask you to use these throughout the fair. We will be outside but feel free to wear a face covering and of course, if you are able to complete a lateral flow test before attending, that will help keep us all safe.


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