We’re very excited to think you will all be back in school on Monday. We’ve made a few changes since you were last here in December to keep our community safe and to reduce the numbers having to self-isolate in the event of a positive COVID case in school. Full details are in this return to school letter and here is a summary of the changes.
Years 1-6 will form class bubbles instead of year group bubbles. Each class will play in their own area and have lunch together, there will be no mixing between the classes.
PE and games
Years 3-6 will come to school wearing their PE kit (and normal school shoes) on their PE days. Please make sure they bring their PE shoes with them to change into.
Delivering and collecting children
Parents are reminded to maintain social distances and wear masks at all times when bringing and collecting your children, including when you are waiting outside the school gates.
In primary schools the Govenrment recommend that staff and visitors wear face coverings where social distancing cannot be maintained between adults, until Easter. Children in primary schools do not need to wear a face covering and they will not be asked to wear one.
Lateral Flow Tests
We provide Lateral Flow Tests to all staff at SCPS. The government have advised that households, childcare and support bubbles of primary pupils will also have access to regular rapid lateral flow testing, but that primary school pupils will not be asked to test at this time. Please note that these tests cannot be supplied by school. You can get your twice-weekly test:
- through your employer if they offer testing to employees
- at a local test site
- by collecting a home test kit from a test site, click here for where to find them: Lateral flow test sites
- by ordering a home test kit online
You can read the full advice here:
Gov lateral flow testing for primary pupil households