Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Henley Youth Festival

Henley Youth Festival 7th – 15th March 2020
Theme: Oceans
Your child should have recently brought home a leaflet giving details of how to get involved.
Children can enter the following competitions:
• Writing Competition
• Cartoon Competition
• Art Competition
• Film Competition
• Call for Young Reporters
Closing date for all entries is 28th February 2020

The HYF Physiolistic Run 2020
Event Details: Saturday 14th March
8:45 – 12:00pm (Course walking 8:15 – 8:40am)
Henley Rugby Club RG9 2JA
Please note that parents need to register their child for the event and consent to their participation at and click on the “HYF” tab.

Visit for more information and entry forms or contact


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