Don’t forget we are holding a non-uniform Day on Friday 22nd June to support the PTA Summer Fair. Children are invited to wear their own clothes to school, but please remember that these need to be suitable for a normal day at school (no fancy dress please). To “pay” for wearing non-uniform, children are asked to bring to school (on Friday morning):
a bottle or jar for the adult tombola
AND a filled jar for the children’s tombola (eg a jam jar with a small toy, or sweets or whatever you like (suitable for children aged 5-11) the jar can be decorated or plain.
At the same time we will be pleased to accept any clean soft toys, games, DVDs and books for the second hand toy stall.
A paper plate has gone out in the book bags for you to donate cakes for the cake stall please.
Finally don’t forget to return your raffle tickets money and stubs AND any unsold tickets by Wednesday 20th June.
Thank you for your support – all the money raised will be used for the benefit of your children.