Friday 24th November is Non Uniform Day to support the SCPS Christmas Fair.
Children are invited to wear their own clothes to school (no fancy dress please) on Friday 24th November.
To “pay” for wearing non-uniform, please bring to school (on Friday morning):
- a bottle or jar for the adult tombola
- AND a small wrapped present for the Children’s tombola (suitable for a boy or a girl please)
- AND Cakes (large or small) that can be sold at the fair (homemade or bought)
If you have any good quality toys and games we are happy to take these for the second hand toy stall.
In addition, we aim to produce 3 really good hamper prizes for the raffle (a foodie one, one for a man and one for a woman) and would appreciate any good quality items that could go in these hampers.
The fair on Saturday 25th November starts at 12 until 3pm. We hope to see you there!