Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Star of the week 16-Sep-16

Here are the first stars of the week for the new academic year:

Pupil Premium Package

Is your child missing out on their entitlement? If you meet the Pupil Premium criteria your child could get free school meals, access to a club or music tuition, free tuition with a member of staff (on a needs basis) outside of school hours, free day trips etc. Read this letter to see if you could […]

Welcome Back

Welcome back! We were pleased to see everyone looking so smart and ready to learn. If your child completed the summer challenge or any other summer work, please hand it to their class teacher by Friday 16th September for your child to receive a small reward. If you have taken part in the sunflower competition, […]

Term starts Wednesday 7th September

Just a quick reminder that the new term starts on Wednesday 7th September. We hope that you have had a very enjoyable summer and that the children are looking forward to returning to school.

Sunflower Pictures please!

How are your sunflowers doing this year? Please let us see by uploading your photos to our Sunflowers page. Just click on ‘Add photo’ and we will feature your flowers – no matter how big (or small).

Receiving updates from our website

You can subscribe to our mailing service which sends you an e-mail once a day, if there have been any updates on the website pages to which you have subscribed.  Please note this is separate from ParentMail, which is administered from the school office and is the main source of school information. We started using […]