Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Year 5 cake sale

There is a cake sale tomorrow at 3pm, hosted by Year 5. Please come and support them by buying a cake!

Stars of the week 21st October

Here are the stars of the week for the end of Term 1

Y5&6 Football success

Congratulations to the Y5 & 6 boys’ football team, who won the Chiltern Edge and Henley partnership competition and are through to the South Oxfordshire competition.

Stars of the week 14th October 2016

Here are this week’s stars of the week:


Unfortunately the PTA Race Night (on Friday 14th October) has had to be cancelled as we have been unable to sell enough tickets for this event. Thank you to those who have given their support, your tickets will of course be refunded.

Stars of the week 6-Oct-16

Stars of the week for weeking ending 6th October were announced today (so we could include the Y6s):

Last minute information for Woodlands – CHANGE OF DEPARTURE TIME

Last Minute Information for Woodlands – Departure now 9.30am due to coach company re-arrangement PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DEPARTURE TIME – NOW 9.30am Please arrive at school at the normal time – 8.45am Please send your child with a small packed lunch, e.g. a bottle of water, a sandwich or bread roll and a piece […]

Stars of the week 23-Sep-16

Star of the week photo for 23rd September 2016:  

School Council Applications

School council application forms are available from the Y5 classrooms. If your child wants to be on the School Council (one boy and one girl from each class) then they need to complete the application form and return it to school by Monday 25th September ready for voting to take place on Monday.