Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


June’s Big Thank You

Rachelle Bartlett is the winner of June’s Big Thank You.  She has been nominated for all her hard work around the school with Year 1, phonics, DT and more – all of which she never takes any credit for!  This month’s prize has been kindly donated by Brambles of Sonning Common.  

Non Uniform Day (for School Fair)

Don’t forget there is a non-uniform day tomorrow (Friday 28th June) and in return we request one or more of the following to help us with the summer fair activities. There will be volunteers at both school gates to help collect donations: 1. A bottle or something for the adult’s tombola 2. A jam jar […]

Piano (and flute) concert

Parents were delighted to hear their children perform in the summer piano and flute concert held on Tuesday 18th June.  Their peripatetic music teacher, Sandy Hubble, prepared the children and organised the concert.  We’re very proud of the musical talent in our school.  If you weren’t able to be there here is a recording for […]

May Big Thank You

The Big Thank You for May has been awarded to Miss Meredith. She has been nominated because she has been working so hard lately at Breakfast and After School Club. She always has a smile on her face; making sure that all the children are well looked after and have lots of fun before and […]

PTA Summer Fair 29th June

The PTA want to remind you that their Summer Fair will be on Saturday 29th June, from 12-3pm. This year’s theme is the Olympics so we will be having some sporty games and activities to enjoy as well as our classic games and music performances from our clubs. There will also be a BBQ, bar, […]

World Bee Day

This week we have been celebrating World Bee Day (20th May). We had a visit from The High Wycombe Beekeeper Association, who delivered an exciting and informative bee workshop. They explained the role of the bees, the different type of bees and how we can look after them. They bought in fresh honey for all […]

Announcing our new traversing wall

We are very excited to announce our new 12m long traversing wall is officially ready for use (during school hours) in the KS2 playground. We wanted to provide a colourful interesting play space for KS2 children and judging by the queue this morning it’s proven to be a big hit.  Thank you to our PTA […]

Walking challenge week

We are all doing a Walking Challenge Week at SCPS to celebrate the national Walk to School Week.  Through this challenge, children will be well on their way to reaching their recommended 60 minutes minimum of physical activity per day. We will be walking as a class every day and recording how many metres we walk. At […]

OCC sustainable school travel survey

OCC ask that parents fill out their survey to help them develop their sustainable school travel strategy. The health and wellbeing of children, young people and their families in Oxfordshire is the leading priority within this strategy. Walking, wheeling, scooting, cycling, or using the bus to get to school can make a big difference to […]

Maths Made Clear – now live!

Did you struggle with maths at school?  Didn’t like it?  Found it boring?  Or do you just want to understand how we teach maths to your children at SCPS? Well, Maths Made Clear is for you. Today we are proud to launch our series of nine videos (starring Mr Burrows, Miss Snowden, and Claudia!) which […]