Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Calendar - January 2024

The school calendar contains events, activities and term dates.

2023-2024 Term Dates & Holidays
2024-2025 Term Dates & Holidays

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 Start of Term 3 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 Y3 Ancient Egypt Day 17 18 Science Oxford (Kites and Y6) 19 Science Oxford (Y2 & Y6) 20 10am Oratory Cross Country 21
22 Young Voices choir trip 23 24 Author workshop Y3 25 26 PTA Quiz Night 27 28
29 30 Eco council visit to Ardley Waste Recycling Centre 31 Y5 Ancient Greek Day

Start of Term 3

Mon 08 January

Y3 Ancient Egypt Day

Tue 16 January

Science Oxford (Kites and Y6)

Thu 18 January

Discover Materials (for Kites)
Evolution in Action (for one Y6 class)

Science Oxford (Y2 & Y6)

Fri 19 January

Water Wheels for Y2
Evolution in Action (one Y6 class)

10am Oratory Cross Country

Sat 20 January

Young Voices choir trip

Mon 22 January

to Birmingham

Author workshop Y3

Wed 24 January

Stephen Pass (online workshop) with Y3

Madge the Mermaid author

PTA Quiz Night

Fri 26 January

7pm for a 7:30pm start

Eco council visit to Ardley Waste Recycling Centre

Tue 30 January

Y5 Ancient Greek Day

Wed 31 January