Digital Leaders
We were lucky enough to receive a class set of BBC micro:bits this week, thanks to Nominet for donating them to us. Our Digital Leaders were excited to be the first pupils to try them out. It didn’t take long before they were impressing us with their programming skills making the micro:bits flash their lights […]
Christmas Jumper Day
On Friday 8th December the children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper in exchange for a £1 donation that will be sent to Save the Children. School Council will be holding collection buckets at the school gates. We encourage creativity, you definitely don’t need to buy a new jumper! You can make your own […]
Big Thank You for November
Congratulations to Miss Stone for winning our Big Thank You for November! Our initiative recognises members of staff who have gone above and beyond their role. Miss Stone was nominated as she adapts every lesson and situation to support all of her pupils’ needs so that they have the best possible chance of success, for […]
Christmas Fair
Thank you to everyone who came to be part of the PTA’s Christmas Fair on Saturday, we hope you enjoyed it and it was a great start to the festive period.
Winter Mini Reading Challenge 2023
Oxfordshire Libraries announce the return of the Winter Mini Challenge! The Reading Agency has once more teamed up with the Youth Sport Trust and public libraries, continuing with the Ready, Set, Read! theme from the Summer Reading Challenge. The Winter Mini Challenge is a free reading challenge, completely online, that tackles the holiday reading ‘dip’, […]
Children in Need results
Thank you for your generous donations for wearing something spotty last Friday. As a school community we have managed to raise a grand total of £408.17 for Children in Need. Each class competed in a burpees competition with grit and determination. All classes who participated did an amazing job. The winning class was 6RS with […]
Digital leaders
This year we have 11 digital leaders across KS2. They are pupils with a passion for technology and were chosen from all those who applied before half term. Being a digital leader is a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to take on responsibility, learn new skills, develop and demonstrate their leadership skills. The digital leaders […]
Children in Need Friday 17th November
This year for Children in Need (on Friday 17th November) all children are welcome to wear a spotty accessory and bring in a donation. They could wear spotty socks, a spotty hat, spotty tights or Pudsey ears to go with their school uniform. Please ensure that anything additional is named. All donations will be collected […]
October Big Thank You
Congratulations to Mrs Rae for winning our Big Thank You for this month! Our initiative recognises members of staff who have gone above and beyond their role. Mrs Rae was nominated for keeping all of our computer systems running. Her list of jobs is endless but she works hard to sort any ICT queries as quickly […]
PTA Quiz Night
The SCPS PTA are pleased to announce a new November quiz night If you’d like to join in the fun on Friday 3rd November please register your team with Emily by email ( On the night the doors open 7pm and the Quiz starts at 7:30pm. It’s £5 per person (cash on the door) and […]