Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Do your shopping and raise money for SCPS

Do you like Shopping? If you shop via the EasyFundRaising website or app then SCPS receive cashback on anything you buy.   How it works: Sign up Buy stuff SCPS get cash back It won’t cost you anything,  there are loads of retailers are listed including Amazon, John Lewis, Tesco, Waitrose, ebay, M&S, Next and […]

Year 4 leave for Ufton Court

We were so happy to see lots of smiling faces this morning as Year 4 leave for their 3 day residential at Ufton Court. We hope you all have a fabulous time.

Free My Family Coach online sessions

Just a reminder from our SENCo Mr Coates that parents/carers might like to access some free online classes from My Family Coach. • Tuesday, 16th May, 7.30pm Supporting my anxious child • Thursday, 6th July 2023, 8:00pm what can I do when my child feels angry? When children become upset, withdrawn, or angry, we ask […]

KS2 Assemblies

Continuing our theme of ‘Inspirational People’ in our KS2 assemblies this term, three recent visitors have hopefully inspired the children to think of a world of wider possibilities. Firstly, Mrs Ash took on the challenge of performing Heather Small’s ‘Proud’ (the song featured at Young Voices this year). None of us really knew what to […]

Coronation celebrations

On Friday 5th May, children are invited to wear red, white and / or blue clothing instead of their school uniform. Classes will be participating in some Coronation-themed activities to enhance their learning skills. All of the children will be eating on the field with Kites Kitchen providing school dinners for those who usually have […]

Coronation artwork in village hall

As you may have seen in the newsletter, all year groups have produced some amazing and colourful artwork to celebrate the King’s coronation.  The artwork is now being displayed in the Sonning Common Village Hall.  If any parents would like to view the artwork, the deputy clerk of the parish council has kindly arranged for […]

Road safety

We all know the importance of keeping children safe when near roads and traffic, so Oxfordshire County Council have produced this short leaflet that will give you some simple activities to support your child to become a safer pedestrian. By teaching children road awareness, you are enabling them to make their own choices and decisions […]

Ideas for learning (for strike days)

If you are stuck for ideas to occupy your children during the teacher strike tomorrow, Thursday 27th April,  Mr Hirst suggests: Reading in a favourite place (den etc) or just any reading with your child Maths KS1 What is the most common shape inside your house. Square – rectangle – triangle – circle – other […]

School photos Wednesday 26th

Tomorrow a photographer is coming in to take class photos.  Please make sure that all children come to school in their uniform tomorrow and to bring their kit to school with them to change into if they have PE.

Staff “Big Thank You”

In December, we told you about a new initiative we started called our ‘Big Thank You’.  Each month, we acknowledge and reward members of our team that have gone above and beyond the expectations of their role.  Here are the hard-working recipients from 2023 so far. January- Miss Brakspear and Mrs Lowe for the hard […]