Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Pictures from Japanese Day

Japanese Day was a big success, we brought Japan to SCPS. An extra special thanks to Mitch, Sam, Martin and Amy for volunteering their time and for providing some amazing activities.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed their time with you today and have been really engaged. Kites Kitchen produced some delicious Japanese food too. We hope […]

Japanese Day (Thursday 16th June)

Just a reminder that it is Japanese Day tomorrow, Thursday 17th June. Children are welcome to come into school wearing non-uniform, in the colours of the Japanese flag, red and white (please no face paint or coloured hairspray).  Children who will have PE tomorrow should come in clothes suitable for doing PE in. A small […]

Musical instrument lessons from Oxford County Council

OCC sent us this information about musical instrument lessons for children age 8-14 year old: Did you know that you can book music lessons for your child via the County Music Service? The qualified teaching team from the County Music Service can teach your child a wide range of instruments during the school day, to improve […]

Japanese Day Thursday 17th June

Thursday 17th June is our annual Language Day, this year we are learning about Japan! We have lots of exciting activities planned. There will be Japanese speaking volunteers coming in to teach the children some Japanese and about the Japanese culture. They will be learning the art of Origami, eating Japanese food, learning how to […]

Rags2Riches Collection Tuesday 18th May

Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you no longer wear, maybe last year’s fashions, or that buy that was too good to leave but it’s not really you after all? Please help us fundraise by donating your good quality unwanted, re-useable (clean, dry and wearable) clothes and accessories, (please pair and tie shoes […]

House challenges

Reflecting one of our core values (Doing your best), this week children have been participating in our infamous inter-house ‘Chopstick Challenge’, set up by Mr Andrews. Perhaps you’d like to practice at home? All you need is a bowl full of pasta and some chopsticks. The aim is to get as many pieces of pasta […]

The Big Ask survey

The Big Ask survey for school pupils Last month the Children’s Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza, launched The Big Ask – the largest ever survey of children in England. It asks all children about their priorities and concerns for the future, so that they can put children at the heart of the national recovery post-COVID-19.  […]

Mathletics continues today…

We had over 200 children competing in yesterday’s global maths challenge to celebrate World Maths Day. Mathletics continues for one more day today – your child has the login details so please do encourage them to have a go. If they select the ‘World’ option there is a short wait whilst the computer searches around […]

PTA cook-along results

How delicious does this Easter Rocky Road look? On Friday, we held another successful cook-along where children followed instructions from Mrs O’Connor, resulting in these tasty treats. Thank you to Mrs O’Connor for helping to run the even and thank you also to the generous parents. We have now made over £280 from the two […]

Comic Relief update

Thanks to the generosity of our SCPS community we are pleased to tell you we raised a massive £656.32 from last week’s “wear something red” day. Thank you so much for your support.