Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Maths Challenge

Four children from Year Six were entered into a regional maths challenge on Wednesday.  The event was held at Eagle House School in Crowthorne. They performed very well against schools from as far away as Stroud and London, many of whom are able to select and offer scholarships to the best mathematicians in the area. […]

Quad Kids through to semi-finals

On 24th May our children competed in the first round of the Quad Kids competition at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge. Quad Kids involves sprinting, distance running, jumping and vortex throwing. Our Year 3/4 and 5/6 ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams did fantastically, with both ‘A’ teams coming 1st and both ‘B’ teams coming 3rd. This means […]

Young Voices

On Monday 16th May, SCPS choir travelled to the Birmingham NEC to perform as part of the national event, Young Voices. It was a fantastic day, full of excitement and enthusiasm. The children were an absolute joy to take, representing our school with pride! Congratulations to all our performers and a special thank you to […]

Sunflower Competition

The Sunflower Competition is now open! If your child wishes to take part in the competition, they can then take a photograph of their sunflower’s progress and upload their photo along with a caption into SCPS Sunflower Competition. The competition deadline is Tuesday 24th May 2022, entries must be labelled with their name, class and […]

Happy Easter

We hope everyone has a great Easter break and we’ll see you back to school on Monday 25th April.

On Your Bike

What a great day yesterday for On Your Bike! Thank you to all of you that came to participate and support the event, it was so lovely to see so many happy faces and have this event back on the calendar. A hugh thank you to all our volunteers and marshals, the SCPS PTA for […]

On Your Bike this Sunday 3rd April

It’s not too late to join us for OYB on Sunday 3rd April, you can choose between a 6, 12 or 20 mile bike ride and 100% of all entry fees are shared between Sonning Common Primary School PTA and chosen local charities (Green shoots, and First Responders). If you register before 9pm on Friday […]

World Maths Day is under way!

Today is World Maths Day and we are marking the event by using the brilliant Mathletics tool to compete with young mathematicians around the world! The basic format is simple: you log in and compete against others in increasingly difficult maths challenges. The unique part is that your opponents are also competing – live in […]

On Your Bike draw

On Monday 21st March the On Your Bike draw took place for a bike kindly donated by AW Cycles. Congratulations to Chantelle who was the lucky winner, and to Zac who won a cycle helmet, also donated by AW Cycles. It’s not too late to join us for OYB on Sunday 3rd April, you can […]

Comic Relief Friday 18th March

This year Red Nose Day marks the final day of our STEM week.  We are asking everyone to wear yellow and blue along with the rest of their school uniform, to signal support for those affected by the crisis in Ukraine. Please can you kindly leave the red noses at home, to prevent any unnecessary spreading […]