Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


If the school is closed, due to exceptional circumstances like heavy snow or similar, we are able to switch immediately to on-line learning.

Children have logins for Google Workspace for Education (Google Classroom) where teachers can deliver lessons, set work and interact with their pupils.

Children also have access to a number of on-line resources including SumDog (y1-6 Maths), TenTown (Kites Maths), Spelling Shed (Y2-6), TimesTables Rockstars (Y1-6) and Espresso (all topics).

When children hand in work (either from Google Docs, or uploaded photos) teacher will make comments on it. To see comments on work in Google classroom, go to the Classwork tab, and click on View your Work (at the top). This will show a list of work that has been handed in, with a comment icon where the teacher has made and comment, which you can click on and read.

We also draw your attention to useful resources about keeping children safe on-line.
on-line safety

Here is a video showcasing our Google classroom on line learning
SCPS on-line learning