Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Community and Marketing

The terms of reference for the Community and Marketing Committee are:

Community and Marketing ToR

Key Purposes:

Ensuring the effective marketing of the school with a view to improving/maintaining pupil intake; and ensuring effective communication amongst the whole school community including staff, pupils and parents.


  1. Ensure that the school has a clear vision, which is articulated in a specific written vision statement “SCPS Vision”.
  2. To make sure there is a strategy in place for achieving this vision.
  3. In partnership with the head teacher & Senior Leadership Team (SLT) identify and regularly review the significant strategic challenges of the academic year.
  4. To monitor progress in realising the school’s vision and meeting the “significant strategic challenges” identified.  The details of such will be contained in the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
  5. To analyse and review the performance of the school against national and local indicators, and to advise the governing body on any strategically significant findings as well as actions required.
  6. To oversee promotion of the school externally through selected channels and through local media and organisations.
  7. To oversee the creation and administration of the school’s annual Parent Survey & Pupil Survey.
  8. Review and draw up an Action Plan to deal with any issues arising from the two surveys.
  9. Monitor engagement with the local community, aiming to ensure the school provides a consistent voice in any issues that may affect it in the future.


  1. To monitor the implementation of any action plan resulting from Ofsted inspection.
  2. Ensure all statutory duties are met.
  3. To monitor and review relevant policies, as delegated by the Full Governing Body from time to time.
  4. The Chair of Strategy (or designated substitute) will report back to meetings of the full governors.