Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

The Governors

Category Term ends Appointed by Date
Keith Settle (Chair and lead governor for child protection) Co-opted Jan 2025 Governing Board 23/01/19
Teju Akande (Vice Chair) Parent Apr 2026 Governing Board 27/04/22
Chris Hirst Staff (Head) Ex officio N/A N/A
Caroline Conway Co-opted Sep 2024 Governing Board 01/10/12
Mark Balcon Parent Oct 2025 Elected 1/11/21
Jon Edney Co-opted Dec 2025 Governing Board 8/12/21
Gary Edwards Co-opted Jul 2026 Governing Board 13/07/22
Stephen Burrows Co-opted Sep 2026 Governing Board 28/09/22
Ben Eade Parent Dec 2026 elected by parents 15/12/22
Tom Andrews Staff Jan 2027 elected 18/01/23
William Ingram Co-opted Jan 2027 Governing Board 18/01/23
 Chris Arnold Co-opted Apr 2027 Governing Board 26/04/23
Sophie Snowden Co-opted Jul 2027 elected 12/07/23
Associate Members  (Non-Voting)
Rachel Salmons Jul 2024 Associate Member 1/10/19
Kate Balcon Apr 2024 Associate Member 27/04/20
Barry Perkins Nov 2025 Associate Member 21/09/21

Keith Settle will serve as Chair until 31st August 2024, this position is reviewed on a regular basis.

All of the above Governors have declared that they have no relevant interests (business/pecuniary/material including governance in other educational institutions or relationships between governors or with school staff), except for Caroline Conway, Tom Andrews and Sophie Snowden who are staff members, and Mark Balcon who is married to the School Business Manager.

The Clerk to the Governors is Sue Witten, who may be contacted by calling 0118 972 2105 or emailing

The Chair of Governors can be emailed on

The Child Protection / Safeguarding lead governor is Stephen Burrows who can be contacted by email

Here are details of Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months:
ex-Governors Jun23