Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Message from outgoing Chairs of Governors

Message from Chairs of Governors

As has been mentioned in the weekly news last week, our term has come to an end serving the school and we are now stepping down as co-chairs of the governing body.  It has been a true privilege seeing the hard work the staff perform behind the scenes ensuring that our school is as good as it is. There have been many challenges over the past four years and we are very proud to see how the school has risen to those challenges and come out an even stronger school, learning from its own experiences in the same way the children do too.

Your school is in a great position. It has some clear direction as to where it wants to go over the next few years, and we know that the governors who continue to serve on the governing body will simply continue their wonderful work behind the scenes. They really are all stars too. And on that note, we’d like to introduce you to the new chair of governors going forward, Keith Settle. Keith has been a member of the governing body for a number of years and his experience of education is greatly valued from his own career at Shiplake College. He has chaired the resources committee for the past two and a half years and we are therefore extremely confident that the governing body and the school are in extremely good hands.

Finally, we’d like to extend our thanks to all the parents, carers and guardians of children in the school. Hearing you challenge the school, makes us realise how important the school is to the local community and hearing your pride in the school has made us very proud too.
Thanks all, Emma and Stuart


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