Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week commencing Monday 11th March

What an exciting week we have had! Thank you for your support with helping to prepare costumes for the children on both Wednesday and Thursday. It really helped to engage the children and made both days a success.

Medieval day on Wednesday was fantastic! The children learnt more about the period whilst sitting round a campfire and then experienced life in a castle through role play activities, taking on the job of craftsmen in the morning, sharing gossip as they worked. They created leather money pockets, medicines, soap balls and pastry. In the afternoon, they attended a fantastic banquet, taking turns to entertain through performing a traditional play, juggling, jousting, telling jokes and even tightrope walking!

Thursday was another great day as the whole school celebrated World Book Day. Again, we had so many amazing costumes and, hopefully, this helped the children to learn some new adjectives and expand their vocabulary too. As we enjoyed reading the book Matilda, we spend time learning about Roald Dahl and how he created characters and words and then finished off the day by joining up with Year 5 and sharing books with them,. We hope that the children enjoyed both days and have memories that they can treasure for years to come.

On Friday, we had Big Maths where we spent the morning estimating and measuring how far we could throw, jump and run. If you would like to help consolidate what your child has been learning at school in maths, why not try some of the activities at home? All you need is something to be used as a marker (e.g. a plastic pot or a soft toy), a tape measure and a ball. Estimate how far you think you could run in ten seconds. Place your marker down where you think you will reach. Ask an adult to time ten seconds and see how far you can run. Was your estimate successful? Try again and use what you have learnt to adjust your estimate. After that, estimate how far you could throw your ball. Use your marker to mark your estimate and then throw the ball. Was it close to your estimate? Can you throw further? How much further can you throw?

Next week, the whole school will celebrate STEM Week. This stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Johnson Matthey will be coming in to carry out a workshop for us, we will be making and testing parachutes and we will also be finding out about Louis Pasteur and the work he carried out regarding hygiene and germs.

We hope that you have a great week.

The Year 2 team


Thursday 14th March – Forest Camp (Miss Stone’s class)

Friday 15th March- Comic Relief (wear something red)


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