Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week commencing 29th January

In Literacy, next week, we will be thinking about description of characters. We will be using adjectives (describing words), verbs (doing words) and adverbs (describes how something is done) to help build a picture in the reader’s head. Why not play some games based around adjectives? All you need is post it notes (or labels or even pieces of paper). Pick an object in the house and then think of all of the adjectives that you can to describe it. Write each one on a post it note and stick it onto the object. If you have a willing participant, you could do this with a person instead!

In Maths, we will be starting to look at multiplication and how this links to repeated addition. Our key vocabulary is multiplication, multiply, repeated addition, lots of, equals, solve, answer. This video might be handy to help your child to understand the process Maths KS1 / KS2: What is multiplication? – BBC Teach It will also help your child to start to learn their times tables now as they are integral to multiplication and division. If they are already showing an interest and are keen to work on this more, why not have a go at some of these games? Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds ( (Click multiplication and then start with 2x, 5x and 10x) Meteor Multiplication – Arcademics (this one is trickier)

Have a great week!

The Year 2 team


Forest Camp- Mrs Skidmore and Mrs Hogan’s group (Owls)


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