Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week beginning 30.9.24

Hello everyone! This week we will be writing setting descriptions about the ‘Bogey Bog’. We have been learning about expanded noun phrases and prepositions and how we can use them to make our writing sound more exciting! We will be having a ‘big art’ session on Friday morning where we use charcoal to create different […]

Week beginning 16.9.24

Hello Year 4! We have had a fun first full week back in Year 4! Here are some of the things we will be doing this week… RE: We are exploring the big question, “How are different worldviews connected?” The children have been discussing how beliefs and values shape people’s perspectives and what we can […]

Welcome back!

Welcome back, Year 4! We hope you all had an amazing summer full of fun and adventure. Now that we’re back at school, we are so excited to start Year 4 together. Our topic this term is Extreme Earth. From volcanic eruptions to earthquakes and tsunamis, we’ll be exploring the powerful forces of nature that […]

E-mail updates from the SCPS Year 4 website

You are receiving this email because you signed up to get notifications from your child’s year group web page at SCPS. Your contact details have now been updated to show your child will be in Year 4 from September 2024. You receive an email each time the Y4 web page is updated by the Y4 […]