Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Homework is set each week on a Thursday, to be completed by the following Thursday. For Year Four children we expect:

Listen to your child reading at least 4 times per week, and sign the planner to show this.

Your child should complete 10 games in Spelling Shed.
Spelling corrections from your child’s assessed writing will be stuck into their planner once a term. Have a go and see if they have learned how to spell them yet.

Your child should complete 10 games in Times Tables Rockstars which will be a mix of garage, studio and soundcheck.

Optional Homework Challenges and Further Reading

Children will earn team points for completed work – which may be displayed in class. Please only bring in on a Thursday with your other homework.

For further reading and tutor books we recommend the CGP series of ‘Targeted Question‘ Books, ‘10-minute Workouts‘, and ‘Study Books‘, available for each different year group.  For 11+ and other examinations, the ‘Bond Asssessment‘ Series are still amongst the best available.  All available from Amazon and other outlets.

Homework Guides and Policies
Homework Policy Update and FAQs November 2019

SCPS Home Learning Policy

Times Tables Rockstars Guide