Hello everyone!
Last week, Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed reading Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit. Inspired by the story, they wrote diary entries, stepping into the shoes of a character from the book. In music, they began creating their own unique compositions, showcasing their creativity and imagination.
This week…
- Literacy: We’ll be diving into instruction writing. At the start of the week, we’ll explore the key features of instructional texts, with a focus on using adverbs and adverbials effectively. By the end of the week, the class will write instructions for a Roman soldier, explaining how to put on their armour!
- Topic: Our focus shifts to Hadrian’s Wall, delving into its history and significance.
- Music/Computing: The children will be recording their compositions, bringing their musical ideas to life.
- Design Technology (DT): We’ll be creating prototypes for our pop-up books, experimenting with movements to ensure everything works just as they imagined.
- PSHE: We will be teaching part of the statutory RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum for Year Four. You should have received an email detailing what we will be covering. If you have any questions, please speak to Miss Stone or Miss Green.
Please can your child come in to school with a spare pair of shoes on PE days (Mondays and Wednesdays) as they may get muddy on the field.
Ufton Court meeting: Tuesday 11th February, 4:30-5:00pm. A link will be sent out nearer the time.
Have a great week!
Year 4 team