Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Rotherfield Cross Country

On Tuesday 14th November we took a huge squad to an event at Rotherfield FC.  The weather was atrocious as we walked there but our runners were pretty tough, even though they were soaked before we even made it to the races!  Lots of children were competing at cross country for the first time and […]

MECE Cross Country

On Saturday 4th November we were at MECE for a soggy morning of cross country racing.  Luckily the weather dried up as the morning went on but full kudos to those who turned up when it was pouring down!  Great running and sportsmanship was shown by all – well done!  Particular mention goes to Olivia […]

MECE Cross Country

Saturday 7th October saw the first of this season’s races at Chiltern Edge.  Our children ran well and made us proud.  Everyone is welcome so please just turn up to the next event if you fancy giving it a try! Kites: Isaac C 7th (in Year 1 race!) Year 2: Joey Q, 2nd, Max C […]

Y3/4 AND Y5/6 Quad Kids South Oxfordshire Champions!

On Thursday 8th June 2023 the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 Quad Kids teams travelled to The Triangle in Didcot to compete in the South Oxfordshire Final. After the usual amount of running, throwing and jumping, we can confirm that… Our Year 3/4 ‘A’ team and Year 5/6 team both came first, which means we […]