Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 4 Week 6

Dear parents,

We have had a really exciting last week completing exciting Easter activities, such as basket weaving, making Easter baskets out of junk modelling, using different materials to make bunny ears, looking at the life cycles of different animals, Easter egg collages and doing some lovely Spring writing.

In Maths, we have been exploring doubling, by sorting dominoes that show doubles and those that don’t, doubling the dots on ladybirds and finding doubles using Numicon! We have also been making 10 by matching the Easter eggs.

In Phonics, we have been reviewing our sounds, practicing our oral blending and reading CCVC words, as well as writing descriptions of Easter eggs!

On Wednesday afternoon, we finished off our week with an Easter egg hunt! We got our wellies on and went around the field searching for numbered egg (pictures) the children had to find 10 numbered eggs and tick them off on their sheet. The children loved this and enjoyed searching for all the hidden eggs!

When we come back after half term, we will be going back to the medieval days to explore kings and queens and looking at the differences between the past and present. We will be reading George and the Dragon and acting out the story and using the small world characters in our play, as well as exploring myths and legends and writing a menu for a banquet. We will be designing and creating our own shields and armour out of junk modelling, so any boxes and bottles that you collect over Easter, we would be grateful if you could bring any that you keep, to us in the new term.


Wellies: We have sent wellies home as we have noticed quite a few don’t fit anymore, so please check that your child’s wellies fit over the Easter break.

Forest Camp and PE kit: We have sent home PE and FC kit to be washed. We also ask that if you do not have a FC or PE kit for your child, could you please bring one in for them.

Easter Packs: We have sent home Easter packs to all children. All children will have some Easter activities and and some personalised activities for your child to have a go at. There is no expectation to complete these, as we want you all to have a restful Easter break, but if you are looking for something to do and as a way to encourage your child to practise some skills, then please support your child in completing them and send them back to school for Team Points!

Thermals:  Please do not send your child in with thermals under their shorts, as this is not part of our school uniform policy. If it is for a specific reason, please discuss with your class teacher, we will make allowances in certain cases.

It’s getting warmer, next term children will need a named sun hat (sunglasses for only those with a prescription or medical need), shorts/ cycling shorts and trainers for PE. Please give your child a water bottle to bring in so they are self-sufficient in maintaining their water intake throughout the day.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope you have a lovely and restful Easter break.

Happy Easter!

The Kites Team.


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