Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 4 Week 1

Dear Parents,

Welcome back after your half term! This week, we have been looking at our locality and the superheroes within it. The children have been identifying and creating emergency vehicles from junk modelling as well as making hats of those superheroes who wear a uniform. They have been exploring non-fiction books to gain more insight into jobs in the community and setting up role play in our home corner including a doctor’s surgery. Outside the children have been putting out ‘fires’ and ‘red words’ whilst shouting EMERGENCY, using water to extinguish them with spray bottles and paint brushes. We braved the weather on Thursday to walk around our community and spot key aspects of the village; the children were so sensible and a true credit to the school. We practised our green cross code and the children were superb at safely crossing the road. Some of us even took a surprise trip to the library (for shelter) to read stories whilst the weather eased. For cooking, we made some pancakes using a traybake recipe. The children weighed the ingredients and decided on the toppings; a very successful and simple recipe which you can find here.

In maths we have been comparing amounts and grouping. The week started off by looking at larger and smaller amounts using the vocabulary ‘more than’ and ‘fewer’. Some children then looked at numerical digits to see if they could identify which number was greater. We completed our week by sorting, grouping and comparing smarties by investigating which colours were represented most and arranging them into a pictogram. You’ll be able to see more about this on Learning Book! If you want to do extra activities at home- tip out the lego/ blocks/ cars/ dolls/ dinos- can you sort them into groups (colours/types)? Can you compare them- how many more/ less? Which group has has the least? What is the difference between the greatest and smallest amount?

In Phonics, we have been revising special friends and individual sounds we may find tricky.

This is a useful video that explore special friends at the end of words /ss/, /ff/ , /ll/ /ck/

Next week, we are being visited by a local dental nurse to talk to us about keeping our teeth healthy. We will also be exploring ways in which we keep healthy in food choices, fitness and through mindfulness. Focus skills will include: Using a knife and fork; making healthy choices; discussing ways to be healthy and managing basic needs. We will also be focusing on position and direction in maths, as well as revising our number bonds to 10.

Our challenge for show and tell is: 

Can you help your child write or draw their favourite meal to share with the class? Can you discuss how ‘healthy’ their favourite meal is and which changes/additions you could make to ensure it is?


28th Feb– visit from Dental nurse

29th Feb– School Disco! 4:15pm 

7th March- World Book Day- dress up as an adjective!


Have a lovely weekend,

The Kites Team.




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