Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Starting back term 2 with a bang!

Dear Parents,

It is a joy to see your children back from their half term feeling refreshed and ready to learn. We have had an explosive week doing a range of firework art using different mediums, making conker fireworks with conkers, creating firework safety posters, singing firework songs – it’s been spectacular! The weather may have been a little dull but it has not prevented us from enjoying puddle jumping and our weekly forest camp session. To end our week, we have been making up firework dances to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture as well as Katy Perry’s ‘Firework’.

In Phonics, we have been looking at /w/ y/ z and /x/ using the RWI scheme. We were really impressed with the homework that has been handed in and, if you would like, we are happy to provide more activities for those who would like some extra challenges. Next week some children will be starting to look at special friends, whilst others will be revising some trickier sounds until they are more confident.

In Maths, we have been looking at one to one correspondence   as well as number recognition using dice, numberlines and numicon to help children feel more confident in  their counting skills. Next week we will be looking at subitising  and understanding that the number we finish counting on is the amount we have (cardinal principle) .

We took part in National Outdoor Classroom Day this week, where we took all our learning outside for the day. We did our phonics outside, chalking sounds and words on the floor, we had snack outside and took our choosing time outside. In Maths, we made a conker graph outside to show how far the children threw their conker fireworks, compared the results and finished off with acting out a story under the shelter!

Our focus next week is an extension of fireworks, where we will be researching Diwali, the Hindu festival of light, in preparation for the celebration on 12th November. Children will be understanding how, when and where Diwali is celebrated through role play, stories and creating Diwali inspired crafts. We will also be looking at Remembrance and giving a Kites-friendly understanding of why Remembrance Day (Nov 11th) is important to people.

Challenge: T-T-24331-EYFS-Bonfire-Night-Home-Learning-Challenge-Sheet-Reception-FS2


As you’ve have noticed it is getting wetter and colder. Please could you ensure your child has the following:  Hat, coat, gloves, waterproof  kit (as well as leggings/ trousers & long sleeve to put underneath) for forest camp and NAMED wellies.

We also noticed lots of shoes don’t have names in. If your child does not have names in their shoes, please can you do so.

Wow sheets: The purpose of wow sheets are for the children to share something they have done, with the class to practice their communication and language skills. You can write anything your child has done on their wow sheet, whether they did something exciting over the weekend, saw friends or family, rode their scooter, helped you cook dinner etc.


Mrs Bartlett provided a very informative Phonics workshop on Thursday at 6:30pm. Thank you to all those who attended. We will provide a link to the Powerpoint for those who couldn’t make it and hopefully it will provide you with some further ideas on how to support your child with Phonics at home.

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation.

The Kites Team


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