Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Term 1 week 5

Dear parents,

This week we have been exploring space and focusing on our fine and gross motor skills! We have made our own solar systems, tested out rockets with milk cartons, dressing up as astronauts, creating our own split pin astronauts, making their own names into rocket artwork and looking inside a space station and discussing that there is no gravity in space and so it looks like the people are floating.  We have been writing lists of what we would bring to space; the children suggested lots of ideas, such as, their dog, a space suit, a drink, ice cream, a bed and even a swimming pool! We have enjoyed reading Aliens Love Underpants and been designing our own underpants.

In Phonics, we have been learning the sounds u, b and f. We have continued to practice our Fred Talk, spelling and writing CVC words.

Here is a video (from the Ruth Miskin RWI portal) reviewing the c, k and u sounds we learnt last week,

This is another link from the RWI portal, which is a fun way for your child to practice their Fred Talk, whilst joining Fred on his adventures: 

In Maths, we have focused on the numbers 13, 14 and 15 using Ten Town.

In assembly this week, the children sang their Harvest songs to the rest of the school. They sang Big Red Combine Harvester and Cauliflowers fluffy alongside Year 1 and 2. They were very brave when performing to the school, everyone was trying their best and they all remembered the actions and words, they should be very proud of themselves.

In Cooking, we decorated biscuits with icing to create multicoloured planets and in PE, the children enjoyed performing a space themed dance as they travelled to the moon and a Space obstacle course.

Next Week we will be starting to look at Autumn. The skills we will be focusing on are, our listening skills, the changing seasons, and our 5 senses. We will be going on listening walks, making Autumn crowns, creating conker necklaces, conker rolling and measuring, leaf rubbing and designing hedgehogs using different techniques and materials. In Phonics, we will be learning the sounds e, l, r and h. In Maths, we will be looking at the numbers 16, 17, 18 and 19.

Key Vocabulary: Autumn, seasons, weather, change, leaves, tree, acorns, conkers, Harvest, senses, sound, sight, touch, smell, sight

The Wildlife Trusts’ Big Wild Walk 2023  October 16 – October 30

We will be joining the hedgehog walk which is part of the Big Wild Walk this year, to fundraise for wildlife. Our challenge is to walk 3km in a week, which is the same distance a hedghehog travels each night! We will be splitting up the 3km walk by walking around the school grounds every morning from the week commencing the 16th. Each day, on our wild walk, we will be focusing on one of our senses. If you would like to support The Wildlife Trust and Kites, here is our fundraising link. All money raised will go straight to The Wildlife Trust to protect our wildlife.

Our target is to raise £50! Feel free to share the link with friends or family! Thank you for any support you can give. 


Autumnal Items: If you have any spare conkers or are going on a walk this weekend, we would be grateful if you could collect some Conkers or any Autumnal items for us to use in school over the next few weeks.

Forest Camp and PE Kits:

We have noticed that some children still do not have a PE or Forest Camp kit, if your child does not have a kit, please could you send one in for them (named) to be put on their peg. Thank you.

Challenge: Could you create an Autumnal picture using different Autumnal colours and objects. You could also go on a walk together and get outside and start thinking about the 5 senses? You could write about your walk on you WOW Sheet!

We hope you have a lovely weekend,


The Kites Team


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