Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Digital Leader Easter animations

Digital Leaders have been working hard making some Easter animations. They storyboarded their ideas, made props, filmed it and edited it all themselves and here are the results. We hope you enjoy them.

Digital Leaders have fun blogging

Last week and this week the Digital Leaders have learnt how to write a blog.  You can read their efforts on this page. Well done all of you!

digital leader meetings

To be a digital leader you need to get a form from your teacher when Mrs Rae gives them out in September. You need to fill in the form and you and your class mates who also want to be digital leaders.  Mrs Rae and Mr Loader will then decide who gets to be a Digital Leader. […]

digital leaders is fun and awesome!!

At digital leaders we blog and have fun we also  we program the robots near the end its so much fun we also go on sumdog and  different games  this is a link to sumdog have fun!!

Digital leaders is a fun and friendly place if you like computing we would love to have your child volunteer for it!

At digital leaders a fun game we play is called sum dog here is the website hope you all like it!  

Basic ICT problems and how to troubleshoot them.

A lot of problems come into contact with your computer, and it is very important that we know how to troubleshoot them. Here are some basic ICT problems and how to troubleshoot them. Your computer is frozen and you haven’t pressed ‘freeze’.- Find the refresh button (looks a bit like a recycle symbol) and check […]

what you need to be a digital leader

To become a digital leader you need to write and application form saying why you want to be a digital leader, what you’re good at, what you’ve previously done, your class and name. Normally, they select 1 person from each class or occasionally 2 if not many apply from your year. We hold meetings every […]

what happens in the ICT suite

In the ICT suite in the morning we have maths which Mr loader teaches in year five and year six. In the afternoon Mr loader has a whole year of children and he teaches them ICT.  Mr Loader is  an amazing ICT teacher he takes years 3   4   5  and 6 at the moment year five are learning […]

Digital Leaders and what Digital Leaders is about.

Digital Leaders is like a club, except that you have to apply via an application form. Mrs Rae and Dr Loader run through your application and see if you are fit to become a digital leader. When Mrs Rae and Dr Loader review everyone’s application, they will announce the new Digital Leaders in assembly. We […]

staying safe online

In digital leaders we have recently made some posters about staying safe online. In ICT with Mr Loader we have been learning how to use sketch up which is a app where you make buildings and you can put pictures in and when you bring it together it looks really nice. later on in digital leaders we […]