Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week commencing 4th December

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Year 2! The decorations have gone up and we are looking forward to Christmas Jumper Day on Friday. Although we will still continue with lessons, a lot of the week will be spent putting the finishing touches to our nativity. The children have worked so hard […]

Week Beginning 4th December

We have a very busy week ahead in Year 2 as we get ready for our dress rehearsal for the play on Friday. Please make sure your child has their costume in school in a named bag on Monday so we can check everyone is ready. Everyone is enjoying the story of Dread Cat and […]

December’s book recommendation

This month’s book recommendation comes from Mrs Skidmore and is called ‘Everything Under the Sun’.  

Week commencing 27th November

We have had another busy week, making decorations for the hall, writing Dread Cat poems and thinking about the suitability of materials in Science. In Maths, next week, we will continue to look at subtraction of two digit numbers and, in Literacy, we will continue to base our work around the book Dread Cat. If […]

Week beginning 20th November

Hello everyone! Year 2 have had a busy week practising our Nativity songs and dances. We are so impressed with how many children already know their lines, please keep practising at home! This week we are going to start practising in the hall on the stage, which is very exciting! We have been enjoying reading […]

Week beginning 13th November

Next week, our Literacy will be based around a slightly longer book called ‘Dread Cat’. We will be using adjectives for description. If your child would like some to get ahead and work on their knowledge of using adjectives beforehand, why not try reading through this information and then completing the activities? What are adjectives? […]

Week beginning 6th November

Last week, we continued to look at addition and subtraction. We enjoyed playing a few games to help us with adding one digit numbers at speed and some of the children asked that this one was shared as it was so much fun Alien Addition – Arcademics  We will continue to think about this next […]

Term 2

Hello Everyone! Year 2 have had a lovely final week of term 1. We have enjoyed writing letters from the crayons to Duncan, from the story ‘The day the crayons quit’. We have also been learning about apostrophes. In maths we have been learning about bonds to 10 and 100 and fact families. We have worked […]

Week beginning 16.10.23

As we are approaching the end of our first term together in Year 2, we thought that it was time to reflect and to praise the children for the great start that they have made to life in a new year group. We have had a fun-filled week where we thoroughly enjoyed a workshop provided […]