Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Protected: Nativity Play

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Week beginning 16th December

Hello! It is the last week of term but year 2 are still busy and working hard. The children are so excited to perform their Nativity to you and we look forward to seeing you there. This week we will be doing some final practice and tidying up the classroom. We will also be doing […]

Week beginning 9th December

Hello! We hope you all stayed safe, warm and dry through storm Darragh. On Wednesday we will be performing our Nativity to the school. Thank you for practicing the children’s lines with them and if you have a costume at home, please bring it in on Monday. We will also be visiting the gift room […]

Week beginning 2nd December

Hello! We are now in December and starting week 5. We hope you enjoyed the Christmas Fair on Saturday. This week it is Parent’s Evening on Tuesday and Thursday. We are looking forward to seeing you and catching you up on all the exciting things your children have been up to. The Nativity is fast […]

Week beginning 25th November

We hope you have managed to enjoy your weekend despite this very rainy weather! On Wednesday we will have Christingle which the children are very excited about. On Friday it is a non-uniform day to support the Christmas Fair on Saturday so, if you can, please send your children to school with a donation. This […]

Activities for Monday 18th November

Dear Parents , As school is closed for the day, due to no water, we have set some activities your children can try to do on their own. This is always a good chance to catch up on reading homework too! Please note these activities are optional and they don’t all need to be completed. […]

Week beginning 18th November

Hello! We hope you have had a nice weekend and are looking forward to the week ahead. Year 2 have been practicing their Nativity and we are very impressed with how it’s coming along. We are in need of some angel/fairy wings – if you have any at home that you are willing to lend, […]

Week beginning 11th November

Year 2 are having a busy week. We are starting to learn songs for our nativity play. Letters have gone home about costumes and any lines to learn. We have lots of dressing up clothes in school- especially if your child is a camel or a King! -so please don’t worry and do come and […]

Monday 4th November

Hello! We hope you had a fantastic half term and the children are feeling excited about returning to school. This term it will be Mrs Skidmore and Miss Keski’s class for Forest Camp – please make sure the children have their gear ready at school. The sign by the door will let you know which […]

Week commencing 14th October

Hello! We hope you are all doing well. We would like to send a gentle reminder to keep toys and teddies at home. This is to avoid any jealousy/issues amongst the children and to make sure precious items don’t get lost or broken. This week the children will be doing the following: In literacy we […]