Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week beginning 10th February

Hello and here we are already in the last week of term! Thank you so much for all your amazing contributions and to all those that helped at the bake sale. We made over £200! Half of the money will go to the RSPCA – this charity was chosen by the year 2 children. The […]

Week beginning 3rd February

Good Morning! We would like to remind you about the bake sale on Thursday (6th) after school. If anyone is able to help set up or sell cakes, please let us know and it would be much appreciated. Half the money will go to Year 2 classrooms and half to this years charity – the […]

Week beginning 27th January

Hello! This Thursday and Friday year 2 will be doing Big DT and making cars. They will be learning all about axels and wheels and how they are used in cars. Please make sure your child brings in a cardboard box next week to make their car. They will be very excited to show them […]

Week beginning 20th January

Good Afternoon, Year 2 will be having a Bake Sale on the 6th of February. We are encouraging all of the children to get involved so if you can, get baking! Children doing phonics will bring home a Read Write inc. book in a plastic zipper wallet each week. They have been reading it in […]

Week commencing 13th January

Hello and well done for making it through the first week back at school. The children have settled in well and enjoyed telling us about all of the fun things they did over their Christmas break. On Monday 20th of January at 7:30pm we will have our PTA annual general meeting which is open for all […]

Happy New Year!

We hope you all have had a lovely holiday and are ready to go for the term ahead! We are looking forward to welcoming Year 2 back on Tuesday. This week our literacy will be based around the book ” The Disgusting Sandwich” by Gareth Edwards and Hannah Shaw and we will be having some […]

Protected: Nativity Play

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Week beginning 16th December

Hello! It is the last week of term but year 2 are still busy and working hard. The children are so excited to perform their Nativity to you and we look forward to seeing you there. This week we will be doing some final practice and tidying up the classroom. We will also be doing […]

Week beginning 9th December

Hello! We hope you all stayed safe, warm and dry through storm Darragh. On Wednesday we will be performing our Nativity to the school. Thank you for practicing the children’s lines with them and if you have a costume at home, please bring it in on Monday. We will also be visiting the gift room […]

Week beginning 2nd December

Hello! We are now in December and starting week 5. We hope you enjoyed the Christmas Fair on Saturday. This week it is Parent’s Evening on Tuesday and Thursday. We are looking forward to seeing you and catching you up on all the exciting things your children have been up to. The Nativity is fast […]