Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week commencing 29th January

In Literacy, next week, we will be thinking about description of characters. We will be using adjectives (describing words), verbs (doing words) and adverbs (describes how something is done) to help build a picture in the reader’s head. Why not play some games based around adjectives? All you need is post it notes (or labels […]

Waterwheel workshop

On Friday, we were treated to a workshop from Science Oxford where we made waterwheels. We experimented by adding different sized paddles and buckets to see if it would make a difference to how quickly we were able move the rope up. We worked in a team, using stop watches and recording our findings. It […]

Week commencing 22nd January

In Literacy, we have continued learning about instructions. The key words have been instruct, imperative verbs (bossy words), time words (e.g. first, next, finally), title and step. If you want to help your child to consolidate their learning, why not try one of these activities which involve following instructions? Bird feeder instructions Cardboard rocket instructions […]

Week commencing 15th January

We have had a great week back after the holidays and are looking forward to next week. In Literacy, we will continue to base our work around ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’. If your child has been enjoying listening to it, here is a link so that they can listen again The Disgusting Sandwich Bedtime Story ( […]

Week beginning 8th January

Happy New Year! We hope you have had a lovely holiday and that all the children are looking forward to a new, exciting term in Year 2. We have lots of new topics to explore such as Kings and Queens in history lessons, colour mixing activities in art and learning about our environment and climate […]

January’s book recommendation

Here is Miss Steven’s book recommendation for January. Perhaps if you have had any book vouchers for Christmas, you could buy your own copy!

Thank you!

We wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for the generous gifts that you have given us. We are feeling thoroughly spoiled! Thank you too for the support that we have received since September: helping children to prepare for the nativity and carol concert, reading with the children at home, ensuring that they […]

Week commencing 18th December

Somehow we have already reached the end of Term 2! We hope that you enjoyed our nativity. The children worked so hard to learn lyrics, dances and lines as well as speak clearly. We are very proud of them. We are hoping that you will be able to join us at our school carol concert […]

Week commencing 11th December

Our performance to the rest of the school was fantastic! We are really proud of all of the children and just know that it will be even better next week when they perform to you. This week, we have finished off our ‘Materials’ topic in Science by thinking about recycling. We learnt about different ways […]

Week Beginning 11th December

Year 2 are really excited about showing their play, “Prickly Hay”, to an audience on Monday 11th at 2pm and Tuesday 12th at 9.30am. We look forward to seeing you there. After the play on Monday afternoon please collect children in the usual way from outside their classrooms at the end of the day. Thank […]