Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week commencing 25th March

Somehow we have nearly reached the end of Term 4! This year seems to be flying by! After a busy term, we will be slowing down a little and will be taking our week at a slightly slower pace as we have lots of tired children and lots of topics to wrap up. We will […]

Week commencing 18th March

We have really enjoyed STEM Week this week. We created parachutes out of different types of materials and then timed them to see how long it took for each to land. We concentrated on making it a fair test and learnt that, in order to do this, we should only change one thing at a […]

Week commencing Monday 11th March

What an exciting week we have had! Thank you for your support with helping to prepare costumes for the children on both Wednesday and Thursday. It really helped to engage the children and made both days a success. Medieval day on Wednesday was fantastic! The children learnt more about the period whilst sitting round a […]

Week commencing 4th March

In Maths next week, we will be looking at a new topic, Measurement. Our key vocabulary will be measure, centimetre, millimetre, length, height, millilitre, litre, liquid, kilogram, gram, weight, distance. We will be measuring in lots of different situations as well as estimating. Here is a link where you can find lots of videos and […]

Week commencing 26th February

We have had a great first week back, enjoying our new topics and spending time with our friends. In Maths, we have really enjoyed playing the game ‘Hit the Button’ to help speed up our recall when dividing numbers by ten. Here is the link if your child would like to have another go (Select ‘Division […]

Week commencing Monday 19th February

On Thursday, we were treated to a visit from the author Chris Darkin. He began his visit by explaining how he goes about creating a book and then came into our classes and shared some of his books with us, allowing us to ask questions along the way. He was thoroughly entertaining and inspired us […]

Week commencing 5th February

In Maths, we will continue looking at multiplication and will then move onto division by simple grouping. Don’t forget that you child has access to Times Tables Rockstars and Sumdog which are useful for helping with learning tables and then recalling them at speed. Let us know if you cannot find their login and we […]