Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Week commencing 1st of July

Hello! This week in literacy we will be looking at a new book called ‘Clean up’. We will be getting to know the author, working on character descriptions and writing a book review. In maths we will be revisiting multiplication and division to polish our skills and ensure all the children feel confident using different […]

Week commencing 24th June

Hello! We first want to say a big thank you to all of the children and parents that joined us on a trip to the Cotswold’s Wildlife Park on Friday. It was a fantastic day and we are so proud of how well the children represented the school. This week in literacy we will be […]

Week Beginning 17th June

Hello! In literacy this week we will be looking at features of recounts and how to write in the past tense. In maths we are revising addition and subtraction and making sure we are confident using different methods. In the afternoons we will be exploring google maps, practicing for sports day and learning about the […]

Week beginning 10th of June

Hello! This week we will start looking at playscripts in literacy and will continue with our work on position and direction in maths. In preparation for father’s day, we will be doing some arts and crafts and we will be doing more Sports Day practice during PE. We will be having a whole school photo […]

Week beginning 3rd of June

Hope you all had an enjoyable half-term and enjoyed a bit of nice weather. It is Theme Week and we are focusing on Future Careers. In year 2, we have chosen to look at careers in media, fashion and film. We will be coming up with our own superheroes, thinking about what kind of job […]

Week beginning 20th May

Hello! It is the last week of term and all of the children deserve a nice break. We are so impressed with how well the year 2s got on with their assessments last week. They worked hard and quite a few said that they enjoyed it! This week we are back to our usual routine. […]

Week beginning 13th of May

This week, our mornings are going to be focused on assessing the children’s knowledge in maths. reading and literacy. Afternoons will be running as normal. We will be finishing and varnishing our clay creations and learning all about living things and their habitats in science. We will be looking at writing emails in computing and […]

Week beginning 7th May

We have a busy week ahead in Year 2 as we are packing everything into a four day week! In literacy children are learning about non fiction books and becoming familiar with terms such as contents, index, headings, sub-headings and diagrams. Having completed a little fact file all about chocolate they will be researching their […]

Year 2 this week

It has been a fantastic week in year 2. The children have been enjoying going to forest camp and swimming. On Thursday, we experienced the planetarium with Science Oxford and learned all about space. The children loved visiting the space station and learning all about the stars and planets. We have continued our work on […]

Week Commencing 22nd April

Welcome back! Year 2 have had a fun week settling back into school. We have been exploring clay and learning about habitats in science. In literacy this week we started our new book called ‘Flat Stanley’. We wrote about advantages and disadvantages of being flat! In maths, we started learning about parts and wholes in […]