Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 10th of June


This week we will start looking at playscripts in literacy and will continue with our work on position and direction in maths.

In preparation for father’s day, we will be doing some arts and crafts and we will be doing more Sports Day practice during PE.

We will be having a whole school photo taken on Thursday morning. In the afternoon we will be learning about life cycles in science.

On Tuesday, Miss Stone’s class will not be swimming. Mrs Skidmore and Miss Keski’s class will be swimming and focusing on water safety skills. Could you please pack a pair of pyjamas in addition to their usual swim kit.

Theme week was a fantastic success and we really enjoyed exploring the world of film and fashion. Thank you again to the parents who came to speak to us about their careers – it was a definite highlight!


Have a great week,

The Year 2 Team


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