Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 7th May

We have a busy week ahead in Year 2 as we are packing everything into a four day week!

In literacy children are learning about non fiction books and becoming familiar with terms such as contents, index, headings, sub-headings and diagrams. Having completed a little fact file all about chocolate they will be researching their own mini beasts and putting together information they have found. In maths we will be learning about statistics: how to make a tally chart and record results in a simple block graph.

Some children will be making clay tiles in art this week and others will be painting and finishing off.

We have a drama workshop to look forward to on Thursday and hopefully some outdoor PE now that the sun is shining.

Thank you to everyone for supporting reading at home. We are very pleased with the progress. This last couple of terms in Year 2 are especially important for children to gain as much confidence to read independently and with a little more expression and fluency.




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