Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week Beginning 11th December

Year 2 are really excited about showing their play, “Prickly Hay”, to an audience on Monday 11th at 2pm and Tuesday 12th at 9.30am. We look forward to seeing you there. After the play on Monday afternoon please collect children in the usual way from outside their classrooms at the end of the day. Thank you.

There will be swimming as usual for Mrs Skidmore and Mrs Hogan’s class on Tuesday so please remember kit. 

It will be a very exciting week as there is Christmas lunch on Wednesday. We will be finishing off work on cards and calendars and watching the kites perform their Nativity play too.

In other work the children will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes in maths and finishing off our geography topic where they have been learning about the continents in the world.

I think everyone will sleep well at the end of the week!



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