Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week Beginning 4th December

We have a very busy week ahead in Year 2 as we get ready for our dress rehearsal for the play on Friday. Please make sure your child has their costume in school in a named bag on Monday so we can check everyone is ready.

Everyone is enjoying the story of Dread Cat and we will be writing up our ideas and tips for mice on how to avoid being caught by a cat! We are really impressed with the enthusiasm children are showing in literacy lessons and how well the joined up handwriting is progressing. 

In maths we are practising addition and subtraction with 2 digit numbers and doing some problem solving activities.

We will be doing phonics assessments shortly, alongside our usual work.

Friday is also Christmas Jumper day. 

Other reminders:

Mrs Hogan and Mrs Skidmore’s class will be swimming on Tuesday.

The Nativity play is on Monday 11th at 2pm and Tuesday 12th at 9.30am.


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