Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week commencing 27th November

We have had another busy week, making decorations for the hall, writing Dread Cat poems and thinking about the suitability of materials in Science.

In Maths, next week, we will continue to look at subtraction of two digit numbers and, in Literacy, we will continue to base our work around the book Dread Cat.

If your child has been enjoying learning about materials, why not try these activities and games Everyday materials – KS1 Science – BBC Bitesize

We played a game at the end of Phonics which proved to be very popular so here is the link so that your child can practise reading in a different way Buried Treasure (

As our nativity is fast approaching, our practising will be ramping up. Please do take the time to help your child learn their lines if they have any so that they feel confident on the days of the performance.

Have a great week!

The Year 2 team


Forest Camp on Thursday- Miss Stone’s class

Swimming on Tuesday- Mrs Hogan and Mrs Skidmore’s class

Book change- Tuesday and Friday

Nativity to parents- Monday 11th December at 2pm and Tuesday 12th December at 9:30am



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