Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 3rd February

Good Morning!

We would like to remind you about the bake sale on Thursday (6th) after school. If anyone is able to help set up or sell cakes, please let us know and it would be much appreciated. Half the money will go to Year 2 classrooms and half to this years charity – the RSPCA. This is also a great opportunity to do some baking with your child and to get them experiences with weights and measuring.

This week we will be doing the following:

Literacy – read ‘Look Up!’ by Nathan Byron and start looking at non-chronological reports

Maths – multiplication and division using arrays. Arrays are a great way to help children understand division and multiplication using a visual representation. Here is a helpful video

Art – painting the clay tiles we made using metallic paints

History – comparing British Queens

Computing – learning essential processes on computers. How to edit a picture, save it and then view yours and others

Science – classify rainforest animals

PSHE – important job roles in our community


Miss Jones’ class will be swimming

Optional Weekly Challenge

Make a poster about a planet of your choice. Do some research then draw some pictures and write interesting facts. You could use pen and paper or do it on the computer and print it!


Thank you and have a great week,

The Year 2 Team


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