Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Week beginning 27th January


This Thursday and Friday year 2 will be doing Big DT and making cars. They will be learning all about axels and wheels and how they are used in cars. Please make sure your child brings in a cardboard box next week to make their car. They will be very excited to show them to you next Friday afternoon!

This week year 2 will be doing the following:

Literacy – Continuing our work on ‘Grandad’s Camper’ and exploring the characteristics of the characters

Maths – multiplication and division

Celebrating Chinese New Year – making snakes for 2025 – the year of the snake

History – learning about significant British monarchs


Miss Keski and Mrs Skidmore’s class


Following the feedback received from the PTA AGM, we will post a weekly challenge for the children to take part in. On Friday the children can share what they did with the class.

This week, children can make a menu for a made up restaurant.

The menu will need the following:

  • the name of the restaurant
  • a particular cuisine/type of food
  • pictures
  • a list of meals that they will serve
  • prices for each meal using the pound and pence symbols

Thank you,

The Year 2 Team




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