We hope you all have had a lovely holiday and are ready to go for the term ahead! We are looking forward to welcoming Year 2 back on Tuesday.
This week our literacy will be based around the book ” The Disgusting Sandwich” by Gareth Edwards and Hannah Shaw and we will be having some fun writing instructions about how to make our own sandwiches! In grammar lessons we will be learning how to use an apostrophe for possession.
Maths will be a topic all about money so now is a good chance to get out any pots of coins at home and help your child to add up different coins and make sure they recognise the values of notes and coins.
Our new science topic will be thinking about our climate and history will be finding out about Kings and Queens this term.
We will be sending out a new swimming rota. Miss Jones’s class will be swimming this Wednesday. Miss Jones’s class will also be doing forest camp this term so will need their kit in school all term.
Please have a hunt around and check all reading books and reading record books are in school, reading for book change on Tuesday. Thank you!
Supporting the school on social media
As you may or may not have realised, the school has recently started making a real push with marketing itself on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter/X by making them places to help you keep up with all the fun and exciting things the school is up to. In order to spread the word, we would really appreciate it if you could follow us on these platforms if you don’t already and like and share our posts.